Our Process on Mirror Blanks

Discover our glass disc processing services, including roughing, annealing, drilling, grinding and grinding. Trust our experience to achieve flawless results for your optical projects. We are able to do several type of working on our production or customer provided blanks, up to 32 inches (810mm) in diameter, and up to 5" (130mm) in thickness.

20inch primary mirror blank for Cassegrain configuration with central hole
24inch conical shape astronomy mirror blank
Rectified edge on telescope mirror blank

Processes that we can carry out on our blanks or on blanks supplied by the customer

We work all type of glass, please contact us for a quotation.

Flattening surfaces

Some blanks like Suprax arrive with two wavy surface, we are able to remove wavy so you have two parallel flat surface

Flattening telescope mirror blanks

Rectified edges

All blanks obtained with water-jet cutting have a shape that is not perfectly cylindrical and circular. Our rectified edges service grinding service removes these inaccuracies and allows, when required, perfectly centered drillings.

Rectied edge on telescope mirror blank

Rough grinding: concave shape

This pre-generated shape to request radius.
We suggest to start grinding with grit 180/220 after our rough grinding and remove at least 250 microns before to polish.
Standard tolerance on radius/focal length  is 1%
Curve generating service preice is refer to our blank , please ask us a quotation to work your blank.
Price are Vat and delivery cost excluded

concave radius on telescope primary mirror blanks or lens

curve generating service - concave surface

F / 3.0 - 3.99
F / 4.0 - 4.99
F / 5.0 - 5.99
255 / 10"33,-31,-29,-
305 / 12"39,-35,-32,-
355 / 14"45,-40,-38,-
410 / 16"62,-55,-55,-
460 / 18"75,-66,-60,-
510 / 20"96,-86,-80,-
610 / 24"142,-132,-125,-
710 / 28"188,-175,---
760 / 30"252,-30,-210,-
810 / 32"294,-270,---

Rough grinding: convex shape

This pre-generated shape to request radius .
We suggest to start with grit 180/220 and remove at least 250 micron before to polish.
Standard tolerance on radius/focal length  is 1%
Curve generating service price is refer to our blank , please ask us a quotation to work on your blank.
Price are Vat and delivery cost excluded.

Convex shape on telescope mirror blanks or lens

curve generating service - convex surface

F / 3.0 - 3.99
F / 4.0 - 4.99
F / 5.0 - 5.99
255 / 10"42,-40,-38,-
305 / 12"49,-45,-41,-
355 / 14"62,-58,-55,-
410 / 16"78,-72,-66,-
460 / 18"93,-85,-79,-
510 / 20"125,-116,-108,-
610 / 24"165,-152,-142,-
710 / 28"235,-----
810 / 32"330,-----

Rough grinding: conical shape

You can combine convex and concav shape to lighting the blank.
On convex surface we can reach maximum radius 800mm
Conical shape for telescope mirror blanks

Center hole

We can drill until 800mm in diameter
We can make the central hole from 10mm diameter up to 250mm on Cassegrain Telescope configuration.
Central hole on primary mirror for Cassegrain telescopes

Annealing service

we can perform fine annealing up to 32″ in diameter on borosilicate glass with our annealing ovens

Oven for annealing borosilicate glass disk

Grinding service

Upon request, after the roughing service it is possible to proceed with grinding service  up to grain 320 grit or up to 800 with the mirror ready for polishing. 
